The Kentucky Quarter Horse, Appaloosa and Arabian Development Fund (KQHAADF) consists of money allocated to the fund through an excise tax imposed on all tracks conducting pari-mutuel wagering under the jurisdiction of the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation (KHRGC). A list of regulatory requirements are available in
810 KAR 7:060RESIDE: Will your mare reside in Kentucky for at least 120 days from conception until foaling?
FOAL: Will your mare foal in Kentucky?
If the answer to those 3 questions is “YES” then you are eligible and it’s FREE to Register!
To NOMINATE, register your mare that is in foal by filling out and returning the following form:
Mare Registration Form
Along with your nomination form please include the following:
•A photocopy of the horse’s official breed registration papers.
Is my Kentucky Bred Quarter Horse born prior to 2024 ELIGIBLE?
CONCEIVE: Did your mare conceive in Kentucky?
RESIDE: Did your mare reside in Kentucky for at least 120 days from conception until foaling?
FOAL: Did your mare foal in Kentucky?
If the answer to those 3 questions is “YES” then you are eligible!
To NOMINATE, register your quarter horse by filling out and returning the following form:
Nomination Form
Along with your nomination form please include the following:
•A photocopy of the horse’s official breed registration papers that shows ownership and that the horse was foaled in Kentucky.
•An official breed registry shipped semen report or a stallion breeders certificate demonstrating that the horse was conceived in Kentucky and a signed affidavit from the owner of the mare at the time of her pregnancy stating that the mare resided in Kentucky for a period no less than 120 days from conception or embryo transfer implantation until foaling.
•Proper payment in US Funds Only.
* The proposed amendments to 810 KAR 7:060, are pending before the Legislative Research Commission. For more information about the proposed amendments to this regulation, please see the KHRC website at:, or contact Jennifer Wolsing at (859) 246-2040. The KHRC does not guarantee that any proposed regulatory amendments will be promulgated.
Mare Registration:
- Deadline: ($25) Postmarked by February 15th During the Year of Conception
- Late Registration: ($200) Postmarked between February 16th and June 15th During the Year of Conception
**Please Note: Mare Registration fees have been waived for 2023 & 2024
Information about Quarter Horse Racing in KY
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