Filing a Sports Wagering Complaint

Before Filing a Complaint

  • Contact the Sports Wagering Licensee where the incident took place and explain the problem.
  • The Sports Wagering Licensee is required to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve disputes. The Sports Wagering Licensee should provide a response to a properly filed inquiry within ten (10) business days.
  • If the Sports Wagering Licensee does not satisfactorily resolve the problem, follow the steps below to file a complaint with the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation.
  • You will need the information from your attempt to resolve with the licensee to file a complaint with the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation.

File a Complaint

  • The Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation focuses on complaints that may have a fraud component.
  • Acceptance of your complaint does not guarantee that an investigation will be initiated.
  • The Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation does not have the authority to order compensatory damages or restitution in a case.
  • Please read the below notes before filing the form
  1. Describe the events in the order in which they happened and include dates, names, and places.
  2. Be accurate and detailed as possible.
  3. List all witnesses, addresses and phone numbers.
  4. All information must be true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.
  5. Be prepared to submit a case number provided by the Licensee.The KHRC is unable to investigate a claim without a case number attached.
  • Click here to file a complaint   
  • or call 866-993-3949. Callers must leave their contact information and the details described above.

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