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The Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation's state stewards and judges oversee all thoroughbred and standardbred racing in Kentucky. Much like referees, they ensure the rules and regulations of racing are enforced. They make judgements on live racing events at all race tracks in Kentucky. The KHRGC’s stewards and judges are bound by Kentucky laws.
Barbara Borden, Chief State Steward
Brooks "Butch" Becraft, State Steward
Race Day Actions
Stewards ReportsJudges Reports
Judgements Resulting in Disciplinary Actions
A person assessed a penalty pursuant to this administrative regulation shall have his or her name and the terms of his or her penalty placed on the official Corporation's website. If an appeal is pending, that fact shall be noted.Personal information such as social security number, address and phone number has been redacted.
Note: Click on the racing type below to expand.